
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July Jewish Book Carnival

I am excited hosting the Jewish Book Carnival this month.

 I was so unsure if my book blog would be ready for re-design for the carnival today.  I was ready to post and I could not find the sign in on either of my book blogs. Then, my mouse wouldn't work.  So, now I reverted to my second option, my laptop thank goodness.  Anyway this is great timing for launching my new redesigned book blog and hosting the Jewish Book Carnival. What could be sweeter!!

So what do you all think about my new Jewish book blog?? I love it, not so crazy though about the muted colors. But, I love the work that Lori, from imagination did. It fits me quirky, and mystical at the same time.

Next up we had our Jewish Ladies Night Out with Rabbi Debbie. It was successful as ever with almost 40 people in attendance. The novel, we choice with the recommendation of the Jewish Book Council was, Sinners and the Sea by Rebecca Kanner.  

The most exciting news that I can't wait to share with Jewish Myrtle Beach, Maggie Anton is coming to town in February 2015! Circle your calendars everybody.  Her new anticipated sequel to Rav Hisda's Daughter will be published at about the time the Jewish high holidays start. The newest novel is called, The Enchantress. 

  I contacted Maggie as soon as I learned about her publishing and touring for her next novel.   I don't know many authors that would go out of their way to help us get her to Myrtle Beach. She is asking for basically just for her air fare, and someone in our Jewish community hosting her for the night. I believe hashem works in mysterious ways.

How many authors do you know who would do that. She is wonderful.

This is a big deal to the small coastal town of Myrtle Beach, SC. Where most authors come to the large cities of New York, or the larger cities in the south, like Greenville, not Myrtle Beach. We are a independent small group of four ladies who plan literary events each year without the help of other organizations in town.  The other organizations spread the word, but we are not affiliated with one particular organization. 

We have been trying to get a author to come to our area for the last couple years. But we did not have any financial backing.  Now, with Maggie coming. This will start up for other authors to come to us.  We are very excited. She is still working with us and other Hadassah chapters from Atlanta and other areas are coming on board so her travel expense for us is minimal.

Now on to the subject at hand, the Jewish Book Carnival. I know everyone is busy with their happy, summer lives. I did not expect a lot of jewish book blogger sending me their links. I am happy though, that the Jewish book bloggers that participated this month are awesome posts.

Here are the wonderful links for the Jewish Book Carnival for this month:

My contribution to the Jewish Book Carnival is two novels that I enjoyed reading. Both of them earn 5 bagel rankings. Both are written by Jewish authors. The first novel, Love and Treasures by Ayelet Waldman. The novel is based on the Hungarian Gold Train, which I didn't know about.  It is basically about lost, and stolen treasure secured by the Nazi's and eventually were taken by the U.S. government for safe keeping till the government decided what could be done with all the art, jewelry, and goods that were taken from the Jews during the holocaust. 

The next novel I read doesn't have any Jewish themes, the author is Jewish.  The book I am referring to is, The Art Forger. I highly recommend:
Art Forger is a novel based on the Gardner Museum art heist in 1990.

On to the other contributors for the Jewish Book Carnival for July:

From Erika, on her blog, Machberet she shares her appreciation for Anita Shapira's Israel: A History( trans. Anthony Berris). 

From Lorri M, who happens to be one blogger I have followed for years since I started blogging. She is one of my favorite blogs I tried to follow each week. She has read a novel, that I have been wanting to read for awhile. I hope to finally get to it soon.

From Anne, is a coloring book pages, it's a roundup of summer relates coloring pages called, Noah's Swim a Thon, about a boy that learns to swim. Here is another link here.

 Rhapsody in Books reviewed To Rise Again At A Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris.
 About a New York dentist looking for meaning, and hoping to find it among the Jews - that is, as long as he doesn't have to believe in God..…

From Batya, from Yisrael who had a hard time writing her review since the tragedy of the three young men in Israel were killed. I can't imagine how the state of Israel felt after the discovery. I am sure the state was in terrible shock, mourning and anger. May g-d bless them, and their families.

Barbara Krasner, of The Whole Megillah interviews author Norman H. Finkelstein and Calkins Creek editor Carolyn P. Yoder about their new book, Schools of Hope, about Julius Rosenwald and his philanthropic efforts to build schools throughout the American South.

From the Reading Rabbi:
The Reading Rabbi has been very busy reading three great reads of literature,
I actually have the the first novel listed and of course it is sitting on my desk. I am after reading her review will get to it sooner.

From Tzivia, I love this post, since I am very partial of Kimmel. He is my all time favorite kids author. I used to read stories to my son, David who is now almost 24 years old. That tells you about how long he is been around. I am sure even longer. I used to enjoy the stories as much as my son.

The Best Chapter writes, about her take about a happy ending. This comes from her interview from writer, Dan Williams from Jerusalem on his spy novel featuring a female Mossad agent.

From Lauren, at Behrmann Publishing House has sent us a nice link from a rabbi, how each of us should follow the ten commandments when we use facebook, twitter, etc.
Also from Lauren is Jewish education is always changing and we want to help you stay ahead with a free Kindle edition of a chapter from The Ultimate Jewish Teacher's Handbook.
Then the last link Lauren is sharing which is interesting, is an app for your child's ipad, or android device to learn the aleph bet. 

And last but, not least the organizer of the Jewish Book Carnival, Heidi has shared her pictures of the Association of Jewish libraries in Las Vegas, take a gander. Looks like fun.

I would like to thank everyone that contributed to the Jewish Carnival this month. See you next month in August, happy reading! 


  1. Thank you for hosting this month.

  2. Yes, thank you very much for hosting, Susan, and for including my link.

  3. Thank you all for your wonderful links. Have a great month, and see you next month in August.
