
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jewish Grand Strand Reads 2013

I have been organizing our Jewish Grand Strand Reads. The first year I did not know what I was doing.  We had a small group of people. Our book event was Dove Keepers by Alice Hoffman.

  This year, we chose Rav Hisda's Daughter by Maggie Anton.

I did not reach out to the Jewish synagogues or organizations for help because I did not know if there was a need. But, yesterday I got my answer. We had a total of 30 people show up, with a few cancellations.

There are some drawbacks though when it gets larger. But, I love the idea of the Jewish community of Myrtle Beach,  reading,  and discussing and sharing ideas. Especially around one book.  It is alot of work, but if you have the commitment, drive and willing to sweat a bit, and some sleepless nights.  It is worth it at the end.   But, you must have the passion and the love for the writing, the book, and the author.

 With the help of my friend Donna, I pursued my idea. I don't think I would have done it without her support. There has been crazy times that I get ideas in my head, and I call her all different times night or day.  I hope I don't cause her to get a divorce. LOL!!! My friends think I am a bit eccentric because of my love of reading and books. Because I talk, eat, and sleep books. I am known as the "Book Maven" or " Book Diva", depending on who you talk to.

Why I am posting this if you have a idea and you are passionate about it. Do it! Don't think it can't be done.  Go on your PC, and do a lot of research. See if someone else has done it. I can't tell you how many hours of research I did. Reading recommendations, and contacting other organizations to talk to them.  Nancy Pearl, from the New Jersey Jewish Federation took the time and gave me so many resources and information how to organize.

So many people told  me it couldn't be done in this area.  Mainly because we don't have the resources. We are a resort town, and a small Jewish community. Up north, authors are always willing to come to book events. But, in the south everything is spread out.  There are not plentiful authors that are willing to come down here without charge.

 There are always books that have topics to find discussion, and a jumping point for discussion.  To enhance, and enrich the the book experience.

We have something better.  We have one thing they don't have, Rabbi Debbie Slavitt.   She is and will be our next speaker.  She is wonderful to listen to and get ideas and share with.

You would think I am done, and can take a rest. You are wrong even before we started our book event yesterday.  I had a meeting with Sisterhood of , Temple Emanu-El to discuss working together for the Jewish Grand Strand Reads.

They will be supporting me and my idea.   They realize there is a need here. Especially when some of them attended the book event yesterday.  They realized how many people came with out that much publicity.  Can you imagine if it was really publicized.

Thanks for visiting, and if you are planning a book event  and you need some help you are welcome to contact me.

Here is our new logo that our temple secretary made for next year's event.  It is awesome and now official, Jewish Grand Strand Reads 2014:


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