
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Israela;Book Review

By Batya Casper
Tate Publishing

Israela, I picked up because I am a American and thought it would give me a larger scope than what I know between the Israeli and Palestinian people.  This is the story about the daily lives of the Israeli people.

The novel is written with three perspective view points. Two sisters, Orit, and Ratiba, and their cousin, Elisheva.

Ratiba, is Jewish, and marries a Palestianian, Ibrahim. She meets her husband at the University. She turns her back on her heritage, and her religion, and her family.

Ratiba, never tells her husband that she is Jewish. As you probably tells this causes terrible consequences later in their marriage.

Orit, is a actress, and wants so desperately, to reconcile with her sister. But, her sister, stays away for years. Later, when her sister, has a son, he learns the truth about his mother, and leaves their home to live with Orit, and eventually joins the army.

Their cousin, Elisheva is a nurse, she dedicates her life for the sick and dying.

The book spans from the 1960's, of Israel, but goes back to the fight of Independence in 1948. Most of the book, felt like I was seeing the news on TV, or watching a documentary about Israel's history. The story spans from the beginnings of forming the Israeli state and spans to the Intifada in 2000's to the present. including the Intifada, and Israel's response to it.  Most of this I already knew as a Jew.

I like to read something I have not experienced before. I thought I wanted to read this book because I have not read any novels that authors write about the experience of the Israeli-Palestianian perspective.  Since I am Jewish, I thought it would be a good read.

Most of the book, I was confused who the author was talking about. Even with the different chapters of the cousin, and the sisters. I think the author was trying to do too many things at one time. Writing about the historical, political, social, culture of the Israeli's. Fiction and non-fiction in one book did not work for me in this novel.

There were times, I did enjoy reading this, it was a fast read. But, there were times, I felt that I already knew about it. I did not feel like the author, gave the character's any emotions, they were too dry, and wooden.

 I had a love-hate relationship with. It kept you guessing, with the secrets until the author wanted to let loose and let you know.

I did like the part of the story about the relationship of the school children going to school together Jew and Palestianian. They pretty much forgot the politics outside of the home and became friends with each other. Also the insular politics of the treatment of other Jews that immigrated to Israel.

The part, I did not enjoy, was when Ratiba finds, a bloodied shawl, and you are wondering who does it belong to? What is it doing in the shed?  It took the entire book to keep you guessing. Some books it works, but this one I don't think it worked.

 But, it was a important piece of information that would change the perspective of the story at the end. Because in the end, it is all about we are just all human, not Jewish against Palestinian.

The book was fair, I am not raving about it. But, for a person that is not Jewish, or Jewish that does not know the politics, social, historical, cultural climate, and the events of the state of Israel, and the middle east. Then this is a good starting point to start reading about the middle east.

I can see a good discussion and jumping off point for any book club, mainly Jewish. But, not a great read.


  1. Sounds interesting, I read The Lemon Tree hoping it would give me insight and finished it as tangled up as I started - maybe I can try this one.

  2. Dear Susan,

    Please check your Goodreads inbox. I've been trying to make good on my offer, but need an email address where I may send your eBook.

    All best,
