
Monday, August 17, 2009

Jewish Mail Box Monday

I have been surfing the web for a Jewish mailbox that would be fun to post. I could not find anything. Unfortunately, this is the only thing I came up with. The mailbox is from Israel. Bare with me until I find something else.

The box is boring, but the books are not. I am estatic, that I recieved this many Jewish books. This has not happend to me since I started my blog. I usually get more secualar books rather than Jewish.

Here is what came into my Jewish Mailbox this past week. Thank you for hosting this Marcia, from The Printed Page.

Rashi's Daughter, Book 3 By Maggie Anton
Thank you Maggie

I have been looking forward to this one for awhile. This is Maggie's third book about one of Rashi's daughters. Each book is written based on one of he's daugters, Rashi is a famous Jewish scholar in Medival France.

Bending Toward The Sun by Leslie Gilbert_Lurie
Thank you FSB Associates for the copy. This one is a memoir about a mother and daughter and the experiences of the holocaust.

The Puzzle Queen by Betsy Carter courtesy by the author, thank you.
Other bloggers have written about the cover of the book. I have to agree as well. Digitally the eyes look very intense but when you see if in your own hands it is not as intense. But still, I like the cover. The book is a historical fiction, based on the holocaust.

You or Someone Like You by Chandler Burr
I am looking forward to reading this one as soon as possible. There is some contraversy surrounding the book. I can't wait to read this one. I have heard some tongues wagging because of this one.

This is the first time More Jewish books came into my mailbox rather than secualar. I just wish my people would visit my blog as I have not been paying alot of attention to it. Once I start getting mor visitor I think I will start to give it more loving care!!


  1. I'm going to have to get Maggie Anton's new book asap! Loved Rashi's Daughters 1!

  2. I finished reading Rashi's Daughter, Book 3. It was fantastic.

    I need to write my review of it.

  3. I received The Puzzle Queen, today from the author, too.

    I have started Burr's novel.
